Looking back: The highlights.
borrmannplus verpackungen - Your partner with the PLUS!
Relocation of the company headquarters to the Weyhe site
Commissioning of the new storage areas in Weyhe
Start of construction of a new warehouse and company building
Development and market launch of the product XF - Film ÖKOplus
Change of the company name to borrmannplus verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
Relocation to the 28816 Stuhr site
Cooperation for Germany, Austria and Switzerland with packaging
machine manufacturer Youngsunpack Europe
Admission to the BVV "Bundesverband Verschnürungs- und Verpackungsmittel e.V." (Federal Association for Tying and Packaging Materials)
Sabine Heusmann joins as co-partner and the name is changed to
borrmann + fleig verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
Relocation to the 28844 Weyhe site
Company founded by Detlef Borrmann and Gerwin Fleig, initially as borrmann + fleig verpackungen oHG